✨Map to Inner FreedOM✨

To becOMe more of who You came to BE

and break free of the Matrix

Access this Divine map

To your inner freedOM

And taste what is like

To Be you own Leader  

With this newfound map

The world will begin to make sense

With your new Awakening

The path will be less dense  

This map will show you the road

To who you came to BE

It will serve as a guidance

To your Destiny

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❤️WelcOMe to the Soul family my beautiful BEing of Light!❤️

The "Map to inner freedOM" is a series of guided Light Activations and Channelings to help you pave your own way to self-Mastery and Awaken to your gifts and Superhuman abilities.

We will continuously add more activations to the map as we progress as a collective paving our path to Ascension.

This will be a journey of

Awakening the parts of You

that have been dormant for years

You will Break Free of the programs,

beliefs and patterns

ingrained by the system

You will taste the Magnificence

of your Wholeness and your Majesty

of BEing a Light in a Human body


How this works:

✨You will receive a map with a series of Activations

They are fairly short and perfect for any schedule

You will receive an email with all the details

These are powerful Light codes to help you on your path of Ascension and inner freedOM

💫Meet your Channel💫

Veronica Parks is a Master Soul Healer and Channel of Divine Love. She is the founder of the

Angels Gate Academy, a spiritual road to Self-Mastery.

Using the Soul Healing System method and channeled messages, Veronica Is able to help people clear past trauma and karma and activate their light.

Veronica guides group spiritual and emotional journeys through time and other dimensions to reprogram people’s minds and bodies.

With an intuitive approach to energy healing, holistic nutrition, timeline therapy, hypnosis, NLP and channeled messages, Veronica's methods clear the hurt holding people back from experiencing true love, acceptance, and appreciation.

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