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With Goddess Channelings

of Light Language & Sound Healing Frequencies

Fear Of Heights

November 06, 20221 min read

Do you feel empowered standing on the edge?

Even though it might seem dangerous

I find some thrill in that…I love striking a yoga pose at the top of the mountain or at the edge of what might seem like two different worlds

the predictable and the unknown…

Trusting that I’m safe

That my body is strong

That my balance is at its peak

That I have lots more to experience in this world

And yet that trust was something I had developed through my Soul Healing System inner work


I used to be terrified of heights, I mean real FEAR

My fear of heights was so intense that I couldn’t even look down the balcony…I would scream like a little girl

Yet today, I get to enjoy the FreedOm of the most amazing views and scenic hikes up the mountain!

I get to enjoy the thrill of being at such high elevations that it makes my heart sing


Are you afraid of heights?

If you are ready to explore your freedom from heights and other things, reach out to us at mastersoulhealer.com

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