Remember Who You Are
You feel the loss
The grief and the betrayal
How could he?
How could she?
You feel the pain of being mistreated
You feel the pain of being forgotten
They had forgot who you are
You had forgot who you are
How can such trivial thing
Ignite such pain within?
That feels so real and unbearable
To withhold within
The pain you feel
Is a messenger for you to see
The truth that it cannot BE
What is not your Divinity
The journey of the Goddess
As you begin to feel
Is a journey of healing the deep wounds
Of all you are connected to within
The pain you feel is real
The wounds go deep within the DNA
Yet your Connection to the Goddess
To her infinite stream of energy power
Will fuel you to rise from it again
With grace as if it was nothing
You awaken within your DNA
Your remembrance
that you are here to Be the Way
Enjoy the Goddess Sound Healing Version of this Channeling 👇